Sunday 30 June 2013

Day 353 (Lily Dancing to Snoop Dogg)

Lily Loves Rap

I was finally able to catch Lily dancing on camera. She dances all the time but thinks the video camera is a toy, so as soon as I take it out the dancing halts and it becomes time to grab the camera-toy.

She is pretty ecclectic with her taste. So far this weekend she has danced to some chill reggae type music (Stick Figure), the Rolling Stones, Snoop Dogg, Abba and others.

Friday 28 June 2013

Day 349

Lily looking cute with her snaggletooth and crazy hair

... and then some cuddle time during Skype

Day 344 (Last Mindo Trip)

Last Mindo Trip

Here is Lily playing with her friend Francis, as all the gringo teachers get ready to head off to Mindo for our last trip in Ecuador.

Here is Francis gifting Lily a wonderful little rock to choke on =)

Our last little pueblo in South America for many years to come

... and the abandoned houses that come with it

... and the city square

Twenty four weeks and looking good

Lily in her Miami outfit

Lily and Maelle hanging out together

Lily is a joy in the night and early morning

... and of course she has to take at least one crazy, blinking shot ...

... and then she had to make her final calls goodbye

Sunday 16 June 2013

Day 338 (11 month birthday)

11 Month Birthday

Here is Lily waking up on a day close to her actually 11 month birthday ... all smiles in the morning

 ... and then we put on the sticker and asked "How old are you?" and she rolled her eyes "Seriously?"

"I'm THIS old!"

... and then we started playing with her two favorites stuffed friends

Day 339 (Papallacta)

So, we are visiting all of our favorite spots in Ecuador one last time. We headed to Papallacta to relax in the thermal hot springs. We took a taxi door to door which was amazing, but Lily didn't really get her second nap in the car. When we arrived, we had to wait an hour or two for our room to be ready so we headed to the pools ... and forgot to bring the camera. Lily loved it and we met tons of gringos who came over because of Lily.

When we finally got into our room and fed Lily, it was about 4 o'clock. Lily went down for a late second nap and didn't wake up until 6:30am ... she must have been SUPEr tired. Here is a picture of her after waking up from her 14 hours of sleep.

Then the pools outside were a little too hot, so we filled up the private jacuzzi tub and Lily had a blast.

We continued the part outside but had too much fun to take any photos. It was also father's day, so the camera man headed to the spa for a nice deep tissue massage. All in all a perfect weekend getaway.

Day 337 (Ruby red slipper dancing)

Here is Lily smiling for the camera ... when ... all of a sudden ...

"What are those?"

Ruby red slippers! Perfect for dancing!

Dat 336

Here is Lily waking up in the morning with a ton of happy energy as usual. She followed us into the kitchen pretty excitedly.

Then I had to get a picture of mother and daughter before mom went away for only her second night without Lily. She went to Mindo with her fifth graders overnight (cloud forest).

... and this is SUPER cute of Lily playing peek-a-boo with dad and the camera over mom's shoulder

Then dad and baby were home alone. I tried to get her 11 month photos, but she immediately began pulling the crinkly sounding sticker off of her chest, lol. So instead we just played around.

... as you can tell, she was having fun ... blinking and smiling at the same time is hard