Thursday 20 December 2012

157-161 Days Old (New Tricks)

Lily Learns Some New Tricks

She likes to cross her legs and lean back while in the bath ...

... and she still just loves the warm water

... and at her 5-month doctor's appointment we were given a few exercises to practice with her ... one is happy baby ... we have to put her hands on her feet, but then she just rolls around smiling and laughing ...

... and this is her first bite of solid food ever!! (mashed up avocado)

... she loved it so much that ...

... she was reaching and grabbing for more! ... 

We are supposed to introduce a new food every 5 days, and start with the non-acidic fruits and vegetables ... so far she LOVES avocado ...

Oh, and for fun ... check out this hilarious page:  27 Reasons Why Kids are Actually the Worst

Sunday 16 December 2012

152 days old (Merry Christmas)

Merry Christmas!

... from the Ecuadorian branch of the Dilloughery Family

... and as a happy christmas announcement, my friend dominic and I climbed Pichincha (the 15,400ft volcano above Quito) with a bottle of champagne, glasses, flowers, and a camera ... and waited for our friend Seb to come up behind us ... when Seb arrived, he proposed to his wonderful girlfriend Lucy ... and she accepted! Congratulations!

This is my buddy Dominic who helped prepare the festivities ...

... and here is the happy couple minutes after their engagement


... and here they are posing in front of the Pichincha summit sign ... 4,696m (15,406 ft)

152 Days Old (5 months birthday)

December 11, 2012 (Lily's 5-Month Birthday)

151 Days Old (Never Let Dad Take Care of Baby)

Never Let Dad Take Care of Baby

Lily says, "What? Does my dress look funny?"

"Oh, that's 'cuz daddy put it on backwards ... took a mommy to figure it out"

"See, I can fix it all by myself, just a little ... hmmm ... there is an arm hole somewhere here ..."


"Yeah, thought so!"

... and then dad tries to slow-cook baby ... mom said she needs to bake for 9 months ... so dad is starting her in the slow-cooker ...

... and geeze, if baby wants some boxed wine ... baby's gonna take some boxed wine!

151 Days Old (Smiles)

A Good Morning Smile

150 Days Old (Santa Cruz Clothes)

Baby Loves to Represent SC

Lily loves representing Santa Cruz in her new sweater ... or at least her sweater that now fits ...

What? You're telling me this isn't new?!

Pssssh, you're funny!

Wait? You were being serious?!


Hmmmmm ...

I think i have to take off this old tattered rag!

Don't worry, I have a Santa Cruz t-shirt also!