Thursday 20 December 2012

157-161 Days Old (New Tricks)

Lily Learns Some New Tricks

She likes to cross her legs and lean back while in the bath ...

... and she still just loves the warm water

... and at her 5-month doctor's appointment we were given a few exercises to practice with her ... one is happy baby ... we have to put her hands on her feet, but then she just rolls around smiling and laughing ...

... and this is her first bite of solid food ever!! (mashed up avocado)

... she loved it so much that ...

... she was reaching and grabbing for more! ... 

We are supposed to introduce a new food every 5 days, and start with the non-acidic fruits and vegetables ... so far she LOVES avocado ...

Oh, and for fun ... check out this hilarious page:  27 Reasons Why Kids are Actually the Worst

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