Sunday 21 April 2013

Day 276 (Mom Returns Home to a Famous Baby)

Mom Returns Home to find Lily is Famous

As usual, Lily woke up looking adorable and so out came the camera.

Then she takes her morning bottle ... no shirt, no problem

"Ahhh, that felt good"

Now before mom arrived home from her first night away from Lily, dad took Lily for a walk in the park. Now, in case you don't know the demographics of Ecuador ... blond hair and blue eyes are very rare and Ecuadorians (especially the women) can be a bit baby crazy ... now ...

So, my friend Jim and I went for one of our usual weekend walks in the park to grab a fresh juice ($1.50 for a big one of any fresh fruit you want mixed up), and decided to sit down on the grass with Lily. After about 5 minutes a family walks up (about 10 people) and asks if they can take a photo of their baby and Lily together. So, since this happened before, I was like "si, no problema." ... and before we knew it there were about 40-50 people in a circle around Lily and babies being put next to her, photos being taken, new babies being placed next to her, little sisters and brothers sitting down next to her ... Lily LOVED it ... she was smiling and laughing and waving her arms at all the attention and just looking around at all the big people around her and then every time a baby was placed next to her she became super curious ... the first photo, I kid you not, she placed her hand on the boy's shoulder to look at his face and so when they called her name she looked forward at the camera with her arm on the other baby's shoulder ... I was just laughing hysterically while my buddy Jim (who speaks terrible Spanish and has one of those super loud monotone accents) shouted "UN DOLAR POR FOTO" haha ... it was hilarious and would have lasted all day if after about ten minutes I hadn't grabbed Lily and told the rest of the people we were moving on. Here are some quick photos that Jim grabbed with his iphone as the crowd wound down ...

... and this is my favorite fruit to put in the fruit basket ... though, it takes a really long time to mature

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!! That is HILARIOUS!!! I often wonder how many photos I am in the back of, well Lily is in the front of MANY pictures now!!!! :) quite famous indeed!
