Saturday 4 May 2013

Day 287-289 (Miami)

Lily Takes Miami

Here is Lily after her redeye flight to Miami. She likes the weather ... because she can be naked!

First, some time with my grandma and my great aunt (grandma's sis)

Then off to the rescued animal park.

"Mmmmmm, that little baby looks delicious ... maybe she will come down to the water for a drink"

Oh no, they are being eaten by alligators!!

Lily is nice and tired after a long day in the sun

A day at the beach in Key Largo. 

... and a day at the beach in front of our rental house in Fort Lauderdale. It was like Maui (but a lot cheaper). There were white sand beaches, palm trees, warm blue ocean, warm weather, and everyone walking around in swimsuits. Moral of the story is: Who is meeting us in Miami next year?

1 comment:

  1. These are great pictures and so awesome that the whole group came!! Especially love the one with Lily and Lauren with the sun behind them and Lily's individual shots. :)
