Sunday 2 September 2012

48-53 Days Old

Lily is Growing, but is Still as Cute as Ever

Here is Lily with Lauren's good friend Christine. Christine is great with Lily ...

... and when Joe arrived, so did a new shipment of baby clothes ... this shirt is adorable!

... and Lily still LOVES baths ... she never makes a peep, and could stay in the bath for hours ... she doesn't even care when you wash her face with soapy water ... eyes, mouth, ears ... not a peep ... just warm, warm water ... mmmmmmm

... "I will get out this bath for ... one BILLION DOLLARS"

... she is even happy after she gets out and just hangs out naked for awhile ...

... here is Joe, setting up an entertainment center at our friends' place ... that is Kieran, who is about a year old, and loved helping Joe work ... using his own little tools to mimic Joe's motion and point to things and explain to him (not with words, but with that perfectly pitched and paced baby mumbo jumbo that they do before they actually figure out that they need to use words) ...

... and here is Lily is her new crib ... in her new nursery ...

... and Lauren put up some wall tattoos curtesy of Leslie ...

Lily loves to cuddle ...

... and it doesn't look like Grandpa minds the company ... (great photo!)

... sleeping babies are almost as cute as smiling, laughing babies ... look at her little chubby cheek all squished-up ...

... it is funny, you can lift up her arm and just drop it ... she doesn't budge ... you can pinch her cheeks and give her tons of loud kisses and tickle her ... and she won't move a muscle ... when she is asleep, she is asleep

1 comment:

  1. So great! Lily after the bath wrapped in the white fuzzy towel looks Dilloughery to me. I love the wall tattoos!!! :)
