Saturday 29 September 2012

Lily in Santa Cruz

Lily Loves Cali

As you all (hopefully) know by now, Lauren and Lily have been in the states for over two weeks. I want to share with you the only photos that poor ol' dad has received of his adorable daughter ... although we were able to skype twice and she was AMAZINGLY cute both times.

Lily had a limo waiting ... where was the chaufer cap Julia?

Lily loves being outside ... and Buddha loves Lily

Lily's first chip at Little Tampico's

Lily LOVES being naked ... take those clothes off of me! Heat up a nice bath for me!

... and of course that sort of excitement tires a girl out ...

... three generations of awesome women (and a fourth is taking the photo) ...

oOo ... picnices ... what is that delicious food you set in front of Lily? I think she wants some

... and definitely a little beer ... that is a daily ritual

Lily's going to be a dancer!

... and she'll be an artist ... or a model

... ::whistle:: ... ::cat call:: ... hot stuff!

Oh my goodness, i miss my little cute baby ... only two more days!!!

... oh and she is an Irish druid also ...

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