Monday 10 September 2012

61 Days Old

Lily is Adorable

Lily is finally wearing her 0-3 month outfits ... and her faces are still as crazy as ever

Lily's cute little tushy ... there is only room for one frog on this lilypad ...

... and her little feetsies too ..

This is what I get to look at while carrying her around in the ergo (ergo = front backpack for carrying Lily) ... I am going on daily walks with her to get fresh squeezed juice ... for $1.50 you get a large fresh squeezed juice of any flavors you want ... I am addicted ... and Lily loves our long walks ... the walks are long so that I get one ... drink it and walk around long enough to want another ...

She is getting so smiley ... she loves having her clothes off too ... everytime she gets a diaper change, it's smiles until the clothes go back on ... so right now my daytime diaper changes are clocking in at about 30min ... just lying on the bed making sounds with her is too much fun

"Oh! a camera!"

"Haha, I love cameras!"

... and here is her new trick ... she is getting so big and strong! ... not only can she follow people with her eyes, but now she can follow you with her head all the way from one side to the other ... and she is getting to know what is important to look at ... she is sooooo cute! ... and she loves sitting up against pillows too!

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