Sunday 14 October 2012

65 Days Old (Lily Meets the Ligons)

Lily Meets the Ligons

First, to get in the door ... she had to get past the terror (terrier?) of Forehand court ... who though she looks calm, is already picking out side dishes to go a main serving of delicious Ecua-baby

Lily meets Auntie-Nancy and Grandma-Elle ... and yes, there are four generations of Ligons in that photo

... look at that glare ... she can't believe Lauren handed her off to someone else ...

... but now SO HAPPY!!!

... and then smiles ... it's so nice being a baby

... and she meets Uncle-Mark ...

 ... who gave her what?!?!

... oh, the beer was just a joke, real funny ...

The Ligon family females ... a cute bunch

... but all eyes are on Lily


... and Uncle-Paul and Auntie-Mary

 ... I will eat you little tasty baby

 ... and lastly, one GORGEOUS photo of Lily smiling with her great grandmother

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