Sunday 21 October 2012

102 Days Old (Lily Holds Her Bottle)

Lily Can Hold Her Bottle!

Ok, so last night Lily held her bottle with two hands for the first time ... really just supporting it with two club-like fists while it was in her mouth ... we were all impressed ... then she took it to the next level AND SOME this morning ... not only did she hold the bottle open handed with fingers engaged ... but she pulled it away from her mouth for awhile and looked around ... then put it back into her mouth!! She then did it a couple more times for good measure ... a few of the attempts ran into her cheek, but always found their way into the mouth ... she's growing up so fast!!

101 Days Old (Sunglasses & Sundress!)

Lily's First Sundress (& Shades)

The sun is out, the weather is nice, so Lily tried on her new sundress (thanks to her future boyfriend Cooper)

... posing for the camera


... and she has to wear shades when she goes out, to hide from the paparazzi

Always with the silly faces, she never takes life too seriously ...

Eh ... not impressed by schwarma

100 Days Old (Lily meets a dreamboat)

Lily Meets Her Dreamboat

Well, Lily turned 100 days old on Friday. We celebrated with our friends Pat and Carolyn and their son Kieran. You can tell there was magic in the air ...

... and here is Kieran the dreamboat

... then Lily got changed into a cute kitty suit

... which she enjoyed!

So cute ... and look at that belly!


Monday 15 October 2012

Flashback from an Ipad

Flashback from an Ipad

As I was updating to iOS 6, I stumbled across a collection of photos taken from the Ipad. These long lost photos serve as an invaluable glimpse into the past. We will be able to see the growth of one Lily O'Dowd Dilloughery through never-before-seen footage. Hold on to your seats, and keep your limbs inside the carriage at all times ... because once this ride starts, we won't be able to stop

... we will start in the womb, before we even knew the gender of this pudgy face ...

... and we had to prepare

... a star is born!

... at five days old she is already gorgeous ... but still tiny

... ten days old, she has grown ... and there are no signs of stopping!

... one month old, and her growth seems to be tapering off ...

... but her looks are still on a meteoric rise ...

... and she knows how to use that camera!

... it's not possible, this baby must have eaten Lily ... at nearly three months old, she looks to be the size of a small planet ... but this newly fed baby-eater looks so happy and cute!


Sunday 14 October 2012

94-95 Days Old (Banos)

Lily Goes to Banos

In the quiet little town of Banos, dad and his friends went on an awesome 20km downhill bikeride with waterfalls and hikes ...

... while our loving, amazing wives took the babies to the zoo and other waterfalls

what a great shot

... these are some of the natural hot springs in Banos

my ladies ... looking good

... and back in Quito, Lily is looking super adorable and super OLD ... how has she grown so much so quickly?!?! Here are just some super cute pics of her we took today after getting home ...

83-92 Days Old (Lily is Back in Quito)

Lily is Back in Quito

Apparently it's sunny in Quito, because Lily is wearing her shades indoors ... looking good

... and this is the giant chubby faced baby that came back from the states ... after leaving me three weeks earlier as a tiny fragile little thing ...

... and our friends were there to welcome Lauren and Lily back ... this is Jeff

... and of course Lily's Canadian friend Maelle who is aggressively recruiting Lily as her BFF

... yes, that shirt says "I'm flipping adorable"

... and look at the cute little feetsies

... tummy time! so many colorful toys!

... and this is what we come home to after school ... our Nanny has Lily all dressed up and cute as heck

... and it's official ... Lily is 3 months old and loving it

3 months!!