Monday 15 October 2012

Flashback from an Ipad

Flashback from an Ipad

As I was updating to iOS 6, I stumbled across a collection of photos taken from the Ipad. These long lost photos serve as an invaluable glimpse into the past. We will be able to see the growth of one Lily O'Dowd Dilloughery through never-before-seen footage. Hold on to your seats, and keep your limbs inside the carriage at all times ... because once this ride starts, we won't be able to stop

... we will start in the womb, before we even knew the gender of this pudgy face ...

... and we had to prepare

... a star is born!

... at five days old she is already gorgeous ... but still tiny

... ten days old, she has grown ... and there are no signs of stopping!

... one month old, and her growth seems to be tapering off ...

... but her looks are still on a meteoric rise ...

... and she knows how to use that camera!

... it's not possible, this baby must have eaten Lily ... at nearly three months old, she looks to be the size of a small planet ... but this newly fed baby-eater looks so happy and cute!


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