Sunday 14 October 2012

83-92 Days Old (Lily is Back in Quito)

Lily is Back in Quito

Apparently it's sunny in Quito, because Lily is wearing her shades indoors ... looking good

... and this is the giant chubby faced baby that came back from the states ... after leaving me three weeks earlier as a tiny fragile little thing ...

... and our friends were there to welcome Lauren and Lily back ... this is Jeff

... and of course Lily's Canadian friend Maelle who is aggressively recruiting Lily as her BFF

... yes, that shirt says "I'm flipping adorable"

... and look at the cute little feetsies

... tummy time! so many colorful toys!

... and this is what we come home to after school ... our Nanny has Lily all dressed up and cute as heck

... and it's official ... Lily is 3 months old and loving it

3 months!!

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