Sunday 14 October 2012

65-80 Days Old (Lily, Lo & Friends in Cali)

Lily, Lo & Friends in Cali

Lily made another future best friend while in the states, Megan's adorable daughter Stella

... and unofficial Auntie and future godmother Genevieve ...

... and afterwards Lily was all smiles ...

... then mother, daughter, grandmother and great-grandmother went to Morro Bay for a relaxing few days  ...

(you can see Morro rock in the background)

Awwww ...

... Lily is welcoming in Fall ...

... and doc says Lily needs a lot tummy time to build up her strength ... more pushups!

... so cute ...

... and I saved two of my favorites for last ...

... and this one is amazing because that shirt matches her eyes so well ... so is so cute!!

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