Sunday 14 October 2012

69 Days Old (Lily Meets the Dillougherys)

Lily Meets the Dillougherys

Next Lily met her dad's side of the family ... her only cousins!!! One of which is about the same age and destined to be best friends with her!! First, word-traveler Abby with her newest cousin ...

... and Emma looking good with her cousin ...

... and Thomas ... he has grown so much!

...  what a cute family!

Camille doesn't like all the attention going to Lily ... but look at those gorgeous lashes she still has 

... haha, Lily is relishing all the new attention ...

... cousin, cousin and Auntie ... Lily is loving the family

... and Aunti-Bri is a cute sundress

... and another great-grandmother-mommom

...and grandma-nonny

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