Sunday 22 July 2012

10-11 Days Old

Visitors Galore

We have been so busy these last two days. As teachers pass through Quito during their summer ramblings and administration is finally released for summer, we have had quite the flow of visitors. This is great, because Lily loves the company and she doesn't mind the gifts either ... and Lauren and I definitely didn't mind the delicious chocolate chip cookies today ...

The other reason we missed a day there, was that Lily had her first fussy night ... She is usually pretty easy, but wasn't having a great night last night ... we think we found the reason when Lauren went to hand her to me this morning ... we got a, let's say, fun noise every time we moved her ... haha, oh the poor girl with her first upset tummy ... but she was great today, even with all the guests!

Then in the evening, while the ladies slaved away making dinner (freaking delicious mashed potatoes and meat loaf cupcakes ... or at least meat loaf made in a cup cake tin) ... well anyways, while they were working away ... dad played Lily her first Irish music ... and she loved it ...

... and here I am whisper-singing along with an irish classic (seven drunken nights) ... and Lily is listening intently

Then we all had dinner and one of us went into a nice food coma ...

Only later to wake up ... with those darling little eyes ... 

... just asking for a cuddle partner to have and to hold ...

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