Saturday 21 July 2012

9 Days Old

Lily Becomes a Swinger

We awoke at the break of dawn to legalize Lily. We headed to the Registro Civil for to acquire documents for Lily ... only to get there and realize we were missing a key signature ... alas, Lily is still an illegal immigrant ...  

This is Natali, the daughter of our empliada (maid). She loves babies and has tons of dolls, so Alexandra (our maid) brought her to our house. She loved meeting Lily and followed her around for hours in the morning while we got ready.

Three generations of females out for a walk together ... with some nice hot chocolate to start the day

... and her is when Lily first becomes a swinger

Awwww ... mother and daughter can do anything with a little help from their friends ...

... and when we got back, Lily had her second bath ... looking oh so blond and cute!

... followed with some one-on-one cuddle time

... and a nice nap after ... who doesn't wish that this was their day? A walk in the sun (where you are carried around the whole time), a warm bath, some skin-to-skin cuddle action, and a nice nap

Lily starts to wake up ...

... and then look at those eyes!

 ... and then we had some family hangout time ... She is starting to be awake more often during the day and listening very intently to us talking ... She stares right in the general direction and focuses ... she stops fussing and just listens to the sound of our voices, our tones, our whispers ... I wonder what she's thinking ...

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