Wednesday 18 July 2012

7 Days Old

Lily Goes Out on the Town

Another big day in Quito. But first, a quick flashback ... yesterday Lily had her first doctor's appointment. Needless to say, she had a nice bath and dressed in her finest linens for the occasion. The doctor was enamored. He said she was in perfect health and while trying to examine her, told us that she was really active and strong (she kept rolling around and pushing his arms away ... without even a grumpy face). She then got her first vaccination ... a nice shot right in the thigh ... she gave one good holler until Lauren swooped her up with some soft words and she immediately forgot everything unpleasant in the world and just nuzzled happily with Lauren.

So ... back to today. Lauren had her doctor's appointment and got her stitches out (they do things quickly here ... out of the hospital in less than 48 hours from open stomach surgery ... and i watched it ... it was intense ... and then stitches out in a week) ... Anywho, Lauren is looking amazing and feeling great. I am pretty sure the doctor was hitting on her ... at least he kept telling her how thin and cute she looked!

After getting home, Lauren took a nice nap and I finally got to take Lily out on the town!!! I have been trying to pull her away from Lauren, but that just won't do ... as soon as she fell asleep though, Leslie and I bolted out the door and to the park. 

Lily loved the walk. She got some sun and had a nice deep sleep (I think in part because she was up all night last night like she was on crack ... she actually climbed out of the neckhole of her onesie last night!! so that it was down to her waste and she was sleeping quietly topless ... haha) ... Anyways, at one point in the walk she was actually making a croaking sound she was in such a deep sleep ... and tomorrow we are taking her to the botanical gardens and to our local burrito shop ... we broke the seal, and now she's addicted ... walks every day ... twice a day!

 When we got home, Lauren began telling Lily a story ...

... and Lily was positively captivated ...

... until Lauren got to the scary part ...

... and she just wanted to be held!

Afterwards ... Lily said, "what the heck were you thinking telling me a story that scary?!"

... "you're cookoo, cookoo"

... then I said "hey Lily!"

... and began to tell her such a story as she could never imagine

... with nail biting adventure!

 ... but then I told her it was bed time ... and the tale was to be continued tomorrow!
... she couldn't believe my nerve!

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