Sunday 15 July 2012

Lily Gets Comfortable (4 days old)

Lily Gets Comfortable

After four days of life, Lily has grown very comfortable at home. This is her lying on Lauren's chest in a food coma.

The difficult part is still getting her to wake up for feedings, but it is super fun to see her struggling to wake up. This is a picture of her trying really hard to open her beautiful little eyes.

... and then before we went any further, we made her swear an oath to be a on her best behavior

... and once she had solemnly sworn that she was up to no good, baby had a nice cuddle session with dad and his poncho

A closeup of the wee lass

... but then we had to wake her up to eat again and she said "oh no! stay away!"

... until I told her she could have chocolate after

... and then I told her I was kidding and we both laughed

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh she is the most beautiful little human being I have seen. I love this blog. Please post everyday. Sometimes twice.
