Thursday 19 July 2012


Flashback Through the Eyes of a Mother-in-Law

Lily's Birthday (July 11th)

Yes, that's Lily hiding in Lauren's tummy ...
Lauren just found out that she was having a baby this evening

... Lily was kicking around and in all accounts being a nuisance...
... but Lauren calmly Skyped the family and told them the good news ...
(I was running around the house frantically)

... Lauren still looked gorgeous and kept on a smile ...


... but Daddy's mind was heavy with deep musings ...
:: boy or girl? :: ..... :: BOY ... or ... GIRL ::

The view from our room ... I think it's Cotapaxi

Daddy's second time holding his little girl

This is when being a father really sunk in ... I don't know if you can tell, but I was whispering sweet nothings in my daughters ear ... telling her how much I love her and how I wonder what she'll be like in a week, a month, a year, a lifetime ... and letting her know I'll be there for her ... and so on =) ... but these things are secret you see, between a father and daughter ...

Lily is One Day Old

The adorable little girl melts our hearts ...

A closeup of the gorgeous girl who is about 12 hours old

... and daddy found a new hobby (addiction)


Dad can't put her down ...

... and if you look closely, you can see the complete lack of sleep 
(although I slept a significant amount more than either Lauren or Leslie)

Mother and Daughter ... 
(singing) Reunited and it feels so good!!!

Our second family photo
(the first one not in scrubs)

She is so cute ... and the baby is alright too ;)

Four Days Old and Gaining Weight

She is so damn cute. I just can't stop. Those eyes are just mesmerizing. I stare into them for hours whispering sweet thoughts and questions ... 

... so of course we have been showing her off all over the world through Skype

... and when the camera turns off, the baby sumo wrestler comes out!

... but under no circumstances can you photograph her privates ... she covers those right up!
... a very modest girl!

 ... and as soon as I make a single mistake, she slaps her forehead and rolls her eyes ... "oh dad!"

6 Days old and Learning to Smile

Then we told the baby her first joke ... and boy did she crack a smile ...

... even gave a goofy chuckle ... haha

7 Days Old and Still Laughing

I'm pretty sure that Lily was still laughing at the joke from yesterday ...
Haha, what a goofy face

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