Thursday 2 August 2012

21-22 Days Old

Lily Has Her 3-Week Birthday!

Well, it's official. Lily officially exists ... she is an Ecuadorian bastard-child with the last name "Dilloughery Dilloughery" who is screaming in her photo (actually yawning) ... now allow me to explain ... after two trips to the civil registry where they told us we needed something new ... we brought my spanish teacher (who researched online what was needed) ... and after lots of spanish discussions, getting a number, and a long wait ... the first thing the clerk told us is that we needed our official marriage certificate (which I actually have a copy of in our apt) and so I was thinking about going to get it ... when she further elaborated that we would need it officially translated and notarized ... we just laughed and couldn't believe it ... but then she told us that she could just give Lily a birth certificate that said we were single ... and after three visits and hours of waiting we said "okay" ... and then they told us that in Ecuador you have to put the last name of the father AND the last name of the mother ... no other way about it ... so Lily became the bastard named "Dilloughery Dilloughery" ... but nonetheless ... she is now legal in one of her three countries ... now to get her Ecuadorian passport ... then her U.S. passport and social security number ... and THEN her Irish passport ... paperwork is fun

Lily knows how to relax after a long day at the office

... and when she isn't sprawled out with arms and legs stretched ... she liked to go limp on your chest ... and I only just realized in yoga class that "child's pose" really is how babies lie ... knees up and everything else as loose and relaxed as possible ...

... look at those arms ...

"We wants it, we needs it. Must have the precious. They stole it from us. Sneaky little hobbitses!" 

"oh gosh, golly ... are you ... um ... talking about me? little old, shy little me? oh i'm just too thrilled!"

I just told Lily mom was out of milk!

... and then I told her that her outfit really brings out her eyes!


... and Lily is finally interested in her little play area (no idea what you call all these baby things that each have special names) ... she was focused on the dangling animals ... 

... she was amazed! ... until ...

... she saw the flying monkeys!! everyone is afraid of flying monkeys!

She is just so danged cute!

... and she loves to pose for the camera!

Lauren out for Lily's daily walk (or many more than once a day)

Lily loves going topless ... this was us trying to wake her up ... she went right back to sleep

Awwwwww ....

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