Monday 27 August 2012

44-45 Days Old (Hot Tub Baby)

Lily Loves Hot Tubbin'

For Lauren's birthday, we went on a nice trip to Papallacta (natural hot springs in the mountains at a killer resort). All of the private pools are different temperatures, and it just so happened that the one in front of our place was just above warm and not at all hot ... we took Lily in this pool and even the slightly hotter one (as her baths are usually hotter than either of these) ... and she loved it!

Either she is going to be a water child, or she just really knows how to relax ... and right after each dip in the hot tub, she took a great nap. She never made a peep getting into the water or while she was in it ... the only peep comes just after pulling her out, when the cold wind (and it is freezing up there in the mountains) hits the full body ... but then after drying off and cuddling, she feels that inner-warmth come back out and sleeps like a rock ...

Well, first I had to get some shots with her mom ...

... and Lily is starting to learn to smile when happy ... and she was definitely loving hot-water-play-time-with-mommy ...

... and of course when you're happy and you know it, throw your hands in the air like you just don't care!

... and now the many faces of a relaxing, hot tub baby ...

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