Monday 20 August 2012

38 Days Old (Family Goodbyes)

The Family Says Goodbye

We started out the day with some shopping in the artesian market ...

... which of course exhausted Lily ... and look at how she sleeps ... it's like an adult, with the arm under the chin for a pillow ...

... so mom had to wake her up with some big kisses ...

... to which Lily perked right up ...

... first, the doting parents ...

... who can't stop fawning over their little Lily ...

... and then each person got their one-on-one time, starting with Grandma Nonny ...

... Awww ... and they won't get to see Lily for four more months! =( ... It makes me sad ...

... then Auntie Bri got her play time ...

... then crazy grandpa Poppy-Balloon ... Lily is thinking, "who is this crazy person holding me?!"

... this is another one of my favorite photos so far! The grandfatherly glow on my dad's face, and Lily's adorable face looking right at the camera ... this photo definitely makes me super happy ...

... and then uncle Justin got a turn ... and again Lily was thinking "who are these people you hand me to? will you just entrust me to anyone off the street?!"

... and then we needed a group shop of the family with Lily ...

... but I couldn't keep their eyes on the camera ...

... and then one of just the fam (sorry Justin - someone had to take the photo!) ... I will miss the laughter that was in the house all week ...

... Lily's family ...