Sunday 12 August 2012

Lily With Friends and Family

Lily is Surround by Friends and Family

The family went on our first picnic. We went with our friends Michael, Alana and their 4-month old Maelle. Also there were our friends Patrick, Carolyn, and their 1-year-old Kieran. Fun was had by all ... frisbee, bocce, beer, and others ...

Lauren, Alana and Maelle ... dad was playing some frisbee with the baby on his chest

Then my family arrived ... and after a few hours of sleep and a super full day of hiking in to waterfalls ... day two was much more peaceful around the house ... Bri is doting over the baby here ...

... and Justin (Bri's boyfriend) loves holding babies too ... he is the only one not to be thrown up on yet ... Lily is biding her time ... revenge is a dish best served cold

... and Lily is spending some quality time with her other grandma now ...

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