Tuesday 7 August 2012

24-26 Days Old

Lily & the Gang

Always have to include a topless shot ... because she just loves to show off

... and look at her hand ... it's a real person's hand ... a little pudgy maybe, but she can grab like no other!

Mike, Alana and Maelle came over to watch the US vs Canada women's soccer game that was amazing! The internet has already hailed the game as an instant classic ... 1-0, 1-1, 2-1, 2-2, 3-2, 3-3 ... then after not leading yet the entire game ... in the 2nd overtime period ... after the overtime has expired and there are 3 min of injury time left on the clock ... and after two and a half of those three minutes have gone by ... 30 seconds until it goes to a penalty kick shoot off ... A GORGEOUS GOAL!!! U.S. WINS IT! US IS GOING TO THE FINALS!!!! ... what a game! ... and this pic is Maelle watching interestedly

Right after this big, exciting, super-amazing game ... we met with our possible future nanny (so Lauren can return to work in October) ... she is a nice, polite, grandmother from Mexico who has lived here for 36 years ... she loves being a nanny, but her other family just left (embassy couple that got restationed) ... so for about double what is normal in this country for a full time maid (we want a very happy nanny) ... we will have a 6am-6pm nanny/maid/grocery shopper/cooker of mexican foods ... nothing is certain yet, but we are REALLY excited ... her name, not surprisingly because we are in south american is .... Maria

... and after all was said and done ... Leslie tried to smuggle Lily home in her carry on ... but needless to say, we caught on ... and after really thinking it over, we decided to keep her here with us

... and to leave you with ... here's a dancing baby!!!

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