Monday 20 August 2012

33 Days Old (Butterflies)

Lily Loves Butterflies

Ok, so usually Lily is very photogenic and cooperative ... but she was very sleepy here ... so we took many photos trying to get one nice one ... instead, we got a collection of goofy faces ... but she didn't see to mind the giant butterfly on her forehead (or even notice that anything was there) ...

First we put the butterfly on ... and she went back to sleep ...

... even after poking and prodding, still a sleeping Mr. Magoo was all we got ...

... then she halfway woke up ... for a moment ...

... only to be hypnotized by the giant butterfly ...

... and after a yawn she kind of awoke ... sensing something on her forehead ... but she couldn't quite see it ...

 ... i can only imagine that this is her way of greeting the butterfly "heeeeeyyy!!!" (in a jersey accent)

... but her feelings got hurt when the butterfly didn't respond ...

Then we said ... make a great face for the camera ... and here is Lily's 3-step process to get there ...

Step 1 - Get those cheeks moving ...

Step 2 - Get those eyes open

Step 3 - Beautiful!

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